Sunday, February 3, 2008

Compare and Contrast the three presidents during the Progressive era. Which one is the best?

*** Business expansion and Progressive Reform in the United States in the twentith century. The Progreesive Era was dominated by the middle class. Together they worked to improve working conditions in factories, better living conditions for those who lived in awful areas, and clean up corrupt city governments. Three presidents who were during this time period were Roosevelt, Taft and Wilson. Roosevelt accomplished goals that consist of protecting rigths of workers, public health and setting a limit on the U.S enviromental resources. Taft was known for trust-busting, which he broke up the largest businesses that gain most control over the economy. Wilson proceeded in the New Freedom to pass programs of domestic affairs, such as Clayton Anti trust Act and Federal Reserve Act. Throughout the Progressive Era, Roosevelt was the president who demostrated the most progression status. Due to attacking big businesses, applying his Square Deal and promotion of the conservate movement shows that Theodore Roosevelt was an excellent progressive president.
***Roosevelt was part of the Republican Party. He dealt with relation to industry and capitalism which made the United States become a leading country. Going after powerful businessmen made Teddy able to gain ground as a trust-buster. The United States had faults in their industry. Factories were the cause of many death and illness so Roosevelt felt it was his time to shine. He helped pass the Pure Food Act of 1906 and Meat Inspection of 1906. The standards he created were that factories had to be clean or he would take away the property of companies. He brought this act to court and won. After those acts, he soon became cautious of land. Theodore establish national park system which conserved land and forest which also conserved wildlife. The United States gain manpower by his determination in resolving issues in the Russo-Japanese War and Panama Canal.
***The most notable president for trust-busting was Taft. He destroyed large businesses that had too much control over the economy. Roosevelt appointed Taft as his successor but was a failure because by having opposite beliefs of Roosevelt. Roosevelt demanded low tariffs, Taft wanted high tariffs. This resulted in the Payne-Aldrich tariff. Taft never attacked businesses or businessmen, unlike Teddy. Taft did put out eighty antitrust which includes the one against U.S steel. The one element Roosevelt and Taft had in common was to promote peace.
***Roosevelt created many acts and deals that made a difference within the United States during the Progressive Era. The Square Deal created equal and fair treatment, not just to one race or social class but all. During his presidency, the Sherman Anti trust Act and Elkins Act was passed. The Elkins Act made it illegal for the railroads and shippers to offer rebates. He also created the Hepburn Act which gave the power to set maximum railroad rates, Meat Inspection and the Pure food and Durg Act.
***Federal Trade Commission or FTC, was developed by Woodrow to investigate illegal business practices. Wilson also helped in certain acts and amendments. For instance, the sixteenth amendment, set out federal income tax, the eighth amendment put a stop to alcohol use. Finally, the nineteenth amendment gave women the right to vote. Having strong beliefs in peace was questioned when the United States entered the World War I under his commands. His effort to provide postwar peace agreement for a League of Nations and leadership in the war gave him victory by receiving a Noble Peace Prize.
***Although, Theodore Roosevelt being a Republican, he was the most progressive president during this era. He attacked big businesses, turned the United States into a powerful country established many acts, trusts and tariffs. On the other hand, Wilson promoting peace and later sent to war and Taft going against his own party proved Roosevelt to have the most progression during the Progressive Era.

Sunday, January 20, 2008

To what extent is this statement true...? The primary factor in the U.S adopting a policy of imperialism was economic.

***The U.S imperialism theory was to acquire more land or to extend the authority of their nation. In order to extend authority some economic factors would form such as expansion in the continent, immigration and industry. The economic factors of imperialism were very important as well as the increasing of wages for workers and imperatives. Germany, Japan and Great Britain were advanced at external trade and their competition made it difficult to full the surplus of the U.S manufactures for a profit. The primary factor in the U.S creating imperialism was economic by adopting Social Darwinism, sociopolitical and cultural views and developing a hegemonic relationship with other countries.
***Social Darwinism was many of the sociopolitical, cultural objectives and imperatives that supported the idea of imperialism. Many of these advocates stated that the U.S had supreme authority toward other countries and people that they dominated. Imperialism is a reflection of superiority and with these different views made it so.
***There are numerous of theories to why the U.S adopted imperialism and one leader, John Hobson, demonstrated how his ideas did such thing. He convinced the government to adopt the policy due to overproduction or under consumption. Also V.I Lenin believed that the cause of decreasing of profits in the capitalist class, new markets were meant to be sought out for and inter imperialism rivals were the result. Luxembourg supported the idea that once supply exceeded over demand, new markets must be discovered. who differed from all were Schumpeter who held strong to that the under consumption is what led to imperialism.
***Other ideas that lead economic being the primary factor of imperialism within the U.S were the hegemonic relationships with other countries. The country ,such as Latin America was one of those economic reasons for U.S imperialism. The U.S had political, economic and military control over them. Latin American were in complete subjection to the U.S by having the Platt Amendment. Which stated that U.S could intervene with any affair that went on within their boundaries. The U.S had complete control over Latin American.
***To create global power, the U.S put forward all of their effort toward Spain. The U.S went into war with Spain and won which lead the U.S to obtain internal possession of overseas. The imperialism policy demonstrates why U.S is one of the dominates world powers in today's world. The U.S but forward an idea and succession is what they received.
***The primary factor of the U.S adopting the imperialism policy was due to economic, over production/ under consumption, the decreasingof capitalism and the influence from many scholars. Social Darwinism justified reasons for expansion, hegemonic relationship lead to dominance of other countries, such as Latin American and U.S demands for world power were reasons for adopting the policy of imperialism with economic reasons lying underneath.

Friday, December 28, 2007

How successful was the trade union movement in the post-Civil War era?

***A labor union was an organization of workers. The union would negotiate labor contracts with the employers that consists of wages, complaint procedures, work rules, firing and promotion of workers, etc. Many unions consist of people who were part of the union. They had authority to determine who could have membership and who could not. These unions were very selective with organizing workers yet for unions goals they were not very vivid with. The National Labor Union, Knights of Labor, American Federation of Labor, and the Industrial Workers of the World were the four major labor unions. The trade union movement in the post-Civil war era was limited on achieving its economic goals but yet successful on organizing its workers.
***The National Labor Union was the first national union in the United States. The union included many types of workers in 1834. The National labor union was destroyed and the Knights of Labor became the leading countrywide union in the 1860's. This union consist of Asian race, and included African Americans and women.
*** In 1869, the Knights of Labor was discovered in the United States. The people believed to give workers more free time, share of wealth and more benefits of society. They also opposed child labor and demand the eight hour day of work. They also tried to set up companies owned by the workers themselves. In 1884, the Knights went on strike when the railroads cut wages.
*** The American Federation of Labor (AFL) was founded by Samuel Gompers. By 1904, their membership had spread well over one million. The AFL was known to have that unionism quality with the help of Gompers's leadership. Work environment( well off wages), hours and working conditions were important demands but was not an immediate affect.
***The Industrial Workers of the World, also known as the (IWW), was founded in 1905, who symbolized unskilled workers. The IWW included radicals with a willing to challenge owners of factories and who had a revolutionary spirit. Ownership was considered a significant goal for them not increasing wages. The IWW were also known to be forceful and violet to achieve their goals.
***During and after the Civil War led tensions between the capitalists and their employees. The government was considered allied with their businesses which caused violet strikes. Some trade unions were based on race and skills and some more radical than others. The economic goals that many unions tried to accomplish were such as high wages and ownership by working class were not achieved in this era. Trade unions were generally successful in organizing employees but not achieving their goals.

Saturday, December 15, 2007

Compare and Contrast Lincoln's, Johnson's and Radical Repub's Plan

*** The American Civil War was the first time when America's society split greatly.One historian even referred to the Civil War as the "crossroads of our being." This statement supports how the society began to become un-united and establish different ways to reconstruct its nation after the war. During this era, Andrew Johnson, Abraham Lincoln, and the Radical Republicans developed different beliefs on how the country should be ran. I would select Lincoln's Plan to best suit the nation because of the Emancipation Proclamation, 10% Plan and the ideological of perserving the union.
*** The Radical Republicans were Americans within the Republican Party. Which was lead by Charles Sumner and Thaddeus Stevens. The Rad's opposed Lincoln's loose terms for reuniting the United States. Their terms demanded more aggressive status toward the war and more protection for the Freedmen.During this Reconstruction, the Radical Republicans believed too slow in freeing slaves and supporting their legal equality. They created the 50% plan which would divide the South into five military districts keep troops in the South. They also accepted to enforce the 14th and 15th amendments. The 14 states defined citizenship rights to all people and the 15 allowed African American males to vote. This was part of Lincoln's plan truly.
***On the other hand, Lincoln's Plan oppose the Radical Republicans beliefs tremendously. In 1863, Lincoln created the Emancipation Proclamation which freed slaves in states that were open rebellion. Kentucky, Missouri, Maryland, Delaware and West Virginia were border states that was not involved in this proclamation. Lincoln also believed that slaves should be treated fairly and equally but he did not consider his self as an abolitionist.
***To add on to the differences of reconstructing, Andrew Johnson had a plan of his own. Johnson opposed Lincoln's plan by supporting the Black codes and Jim Crow's laws. Which were laws that placed limitation on the socioeconomic opportunities open to African American people. Grandfather Clause was one of the many ways African Americans were limited within the society. The clause stated that if your grandfather was an United States citizen before the war then that automatically makes you a citizen. Because of this, African Americans were not citizen because they were considered property and not a citizen to the country.
***Furthermore, Lincoln disliked Johnson's plan and decided to add on to his belief on preserving the Union. He created the 10% plan. With this plan, Lincoln wanted mild, no major punishments from this plan and just accept the 15th amendment so the nation can become united again.
***During the Civil War, the main idea of the United States was to have "Unity" but it disappeared. Many significant leaders, Lincoln, Johnson and Radical Repub's tried to stress their beliefs of how they wanted the States to be ran. With the 50% plan, Jim Crows laws and Grandfather Clause made Lincoln's plan out shined them all. Having the 13th, 14th ,and 15th amendments in the Constitution still to this day shows how Lincoln's Plan had a great impact on our nation.

Saturday, November 10, 2007

To what extent did nationalism play a role in the formulation and application of U.S foreign policy in the early nineteenth century?

***Since the ratification of the Constitution, the U.S had quadrupled over centuries in its' size. Many Americans lusted for the lands west of the Appalachian Mountains. It was so powerful that the British imposed the Proclamation of 1763 to keep colonists away. During the nineteenth century, many presidents produced territorial expansion in their own ways. Two of the most important events of the early nineteenth century were the purchase of the Louisiana Territory and War of 1812. Both reflected the driving force of territorial expansion behind the U.S foreign policy, but yet, there were more to come. Nationalism played a role in the formulation and application of the U.S foreign policy by the Mexican War, attitudes of the War Hawks during the War of 1812, Monroe Doctrine and relocating the Native Americans.
***The relationship between the U.S and Mexico deteriorated even more when the U.S formally annexed Texas in 1845. President Polk was not satisfied with this enormous territory and decided to acquire the California or New Mexico region as well. After the failure of the Slidell Mission, an attempt to purchase the territory from Mexico, Polk resorted to have more aggressive posture. He sent troops into the dispute area near the Nueces River and the Rio Grande. The U.S declared war on Mexico. Polk claimed the Mexicans had forces that crossed the borders to attack the Americans, but this was false. Even though the U.S army troops had poor trained and discipline, the U.S had taken control of the entire Southwest by 1847. General Winfield Scott, new U.S commander, captured Vera Cruz followed later with a victory in the Battle of Cerro Gordo. The Americans launched their final attack on Mexico capital and the war
ended. Out of the Mexico War, Treaty of Guadalupe-Hidalgo(1848) was created. This told Mexico to recognize the Americans claim the area of North of the Rio Grande. President Polk was not satisfied with the terms of the treaty and decided that the U.S needs more land.
***As the U.S entered the second decade of the nineteenth century, tensions with Britain were exacerbated by wars in Europe. Both Britain and France violated America's neutral shipping and commerical rights. The British and French were equally at fault, but Americans were blaming them and Britain Canandians for inciting the Native Americans uprisings in the west. But in truth, the Americans hunger for more land incited the unrest. Shawnee Chief Tecumseh's attempted to unite all tribes in Mississippi Valley on the settlements in the Indiana's Territory, but failed when future President Harrison's force defeated him in the Battle of Tippecanoe in 1811. The defeat of Tecumseh clashed with the congress. Many congressmen that came to Washington for the 1811-1812 session were newly elected. Most were from Western and Southern Democratic- Republican congressman who also favored nationalism. They were labeled "War Hawks" and their hostility toward Britain was a large reason. The leaders of the War Hawks were Henry Clay, John Calhoun and Daniel Webster. They led the War Hawks to punishing the Britain military for seizing merchant ships, impressing American sailors and the violations of American neutrality. They also wanted to seize land from Native Americans in the West, drive British out of Canada, and annex Spanish Florida. Even though the Federalists and New England did not want war because they were Anglophiles, the U.S declared war on June, 18, 1812.
***At the end of the Napoleon Wars in 1815, the nations met in Vienna to discuss postwar goals. By the European powers, one decision was to restore monarchies and governments that had collapsed by Napoleon's Grand Army. Secretary of state, John Quincy Adams informed both nations( Europe and Britain) not to interfere in the territory that he claimed belonged to the U.S. European intentions of taking the territory in the U.S or colonizing the South America, the Monroe administration decided to act. President Monroe issued a stern foreign policy statement that became Monroe Doctrine. Monroe stopped Europeans from colonizing the Western Hemisphere. If the U.S found out about the Europeans thoughts, that would deem a threat to U.S national security. The Europeans decide to put an end in their thoughts. The decision made was for the two nations to stay out of each others way and for the U.S to continue in their territorial expansion.
***Even after the Monroe Doctrine, Americans still kept a wary eye on Europe and focused the other eye on the one major Native American tribe in the area Southeast of the Mississippi, the Cherokees. The next objective for territorial expansion was to relocate the Cherokees to the west. Cherokees inhabited several states which are Alabama, Tennessee, Georgia and Mississippi. In 1827, a tribal council established a constitutional representative government and proceeded to declare independence. Georgia legislature maintained that to declare a separate government and nation within its borders was unconstitutional. Then Georgia requested assistance from the federal government in removing the Cherokees from its borders. Since the federal government discovered gold in the Cherokee's land, certainly played a role in the state legislature's wishes to relocate them. The Cherokees felt insulted by President Andrew Jackson's lack of sympathy for North Americans and passage in 1830 of Indian Removal Act, which stopped their settlements. The court rule Worcester vs. Georgia that stated that the law had no authority within Cherokee territory. The chief executive would not use his constitutional authority to enforce laws when it dealt with the Native Americans and before it was known, the Cherokees was driven west. This act was known as the "Trail of Tears".
***In the nineteenth century, the United States shown the true meaning of nationalism. Every country or continent wants to have the dominant power and its citizens showing just that. Having the Mexico War showed that U.S had power to take over another country's territory. Having the "War Hawks" demonstrated how citizens can come together and fight for country's beliefs and how the Monroe Doctrine or any formal paper can put a stop to some kind of action or even driving a tribe out of its area, like the Cherokees, is nationalism. In the early nineteenth century, territorial expansion was wanted by many and the U.S best fits that example .

Friday, October 19, 2007

To what extend were the Articles of Confederation an inadequate form of government?

***The Articles of Confederation was extremely inadequate due to weakness of representation in the central government, domestic affairs with Massachusetts farmers with inflation and foreign affairs with Spain.
***Under the Articles of Confederation, the central government was ineffective. The most authority remained with the individual states. Even though the states had more authority, the Articles of Confederation protected against tyrannical abuses by having a strong central government. Some features of the Articles of Confederation were no chief executive and no provision for a uniform national currency. All of these features were major weaknesses. Having no chief executive led to Spain having control of the Mississippi River. If the Articles of Confederation had that executive department, the U.S would already had troops in line for war. There were no provision for a uniform national currency which lead to inflation in states. For example, Massachusetts was tax heavily because of inflation and no uniform currency. The citizens wanted their state government to resolve these problems but under the A.O.C, the states had to handle with economic problems on their own. Even though the A.O.C was to establish a stable government, it had many defaults.
***The Articles of Confederation could not address the economic needs of the nation and the individual states, so therefore, it could not solve problems that dealt with inflation and depression. Some states imposed heavily taxes on their citizens to tackle inflation and address their infrastructural needs. Infrastructural needs was the process of building roads, bridges and highways within a state. Massachusetts was one of the states that was taxed heavy. This state imposed thirty percent tax on a average farmer. Due to this taxation, many farmers lost their farms or went to debtor's prison. The farmers in Massachusetts organized and petitioned their state government to issue more money to reduce inflation in the economy. The state legislature rejected their demands and the farmers engaged in open revolt. This rebellion was to protest and prevent foreclosure of their farms and collection of taxes . This revolt was called "Shay's Rebellion", which was lead by Daniel Shay. The action of this rebellion so powerful that the delegates made sure to add domestic violence in the new constitution.
***Difficulties with foreign affairs were another burden of the Articles of Confederation. In the Treaty of Paris, both Britain and the United States violated the treaty. The United States violated the treaty by not compensating the loyalists whose property was taken away during the war and to pay for the foreign debts. Britain violated also by maintaining forts in the Northwest Territory. The United States could not do nothing about the forts except protest. Also British had trade restrictions on the U.S, which weaken their economy even more. Spain pointed out the U.S weakness, their economical status, and wanted to take over the Mississippi river. Spain decided to do this because they feared that the United States would expand on their power. Spain and the States quarreled over undefined Northern boundary of Florida and victory was in Spain's hand. The Articles was weaken in this affair because it did not state any authority to someone, or chief executive, that would conduct foreign affairs in time of war. If this was stated, then troops would have been in line waiting for war to come to their hands.
***Due to the Articles of Confederation, the United States did not have a fully stable government. Having domestic affairs like inflation and depression within a state, only made citizens more angry with their government. Having no representation, or executive leader for foreign affairs, put more responsibility on the states and allowed the Unites States popularity to decrease by other countries detecting the states weaknesses easily. The Articles of Confederation was only a step to stability within the states but it had many improvements that needed to be made.

Sunday, October 7, 2007

To what extend did the American Revolution fundamentally change American society?

***The American Revolution fundamentally changed the American society politically, socially and economically by the establishments of the Declaration of Independence, paper currency, Women's rights and slavery.
***The American Revolution brought enormous effects on the Americans society. One major approach to endure in this change is the Declaration of Independence. George Washington declared a change in the society because he thought it was time to become independent from the Britain's crown. "If men were angels, no gov't would be necessary"(Doc.I). This statement supports the reason of wanting independence because being under the Britain's crown was unfair and Americans did not want that type of government any more. This action also led to the American colonies wanting to self-govern their own society.
***Another establishment in the American society was paper currency.At first, the paper currency was not worth any amount at all. Anyone could have put any amount on a coin or bill and people would believe that was worth of the currency. This was not working out because money had no value which led to confusion of the value of money. Some Americans were "crying out for paper currency"(Doc. G). This quote supports the feeling that the Americans had on paper currency because they believed if they had a printed document that states to be owned and published as their own, it would lean on toward of being independent from Britain.
*** Being under the Britain's crown was compared to slavery. Women had not rights in any part of the community unless they were widows. Women in the colonies were compared as being a dog on a leash and demanded not to speak a word unless spoken too. The women was fed up because they felt as if they should not even appear in public since they had no rights. As Molly Wallace clearly explained,"... ought ever to appear in so public a manner,"(Doc. J). This show how women in the society felt useless and unimportant because they had no roles. Also women wanted the same rights as men,"some for an equal distribution of property"(Doc. G). Women in the society was just fed up and wanted equality.
*** The finally factor of how the American Revolution changed the American society is slavery. The Britain's always thought of an easier way to make conduct things. One thing they wanted to make easier was labor, which pin pointed to slavery. The Britain's thought if slaves were placed in their society they would be free of labor and money because slaves did not need much. The Americans thought different. They felt as if all men should be created equal and have the same rights. Which this fact supports the meaning of the Declaration of Independence. The Americans exclaimed that there shall be "neither slavery nor involuntary servitude," (Doc.H). This supports the beliefs of the Americans not wanting slavery and the way they wanted to control their lands.
***There were many factors that fundamentally changed the American society during the American Revolution. Having the Declaration of Independence, paper currency, limitation on Women's rights and slavery were just a few of those factors that sculpted the American Society.