Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Why did I sign up for A.P U.S History?

I signed up for this class because I know that it will help my gpa very well and it challenge me to my fullest ability to learn. I also choose this class because I truly think if I give my all I will be average in the class and have a decent overall grade. Also having this class would look good on my transcript when I apply to colleges..and I want to get enrolled in a very well off college. If I don't understand everything in class then I will just try harder in this class without interfering with my other class work and ASK for help!


Mr. Brush said...

Asking for help is a good thing.


Krisizzleboi said...

iKno that this is really old but I ask myself this same questtion EVERY DAY! how did you pass?

Unknown said...
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